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average line中文是什么意思

用"average line"造句"average line"怎么读"average line" in a sentence


  • 平均线


  • If you want to major this , your score must below the average line
  • Connecting with moving average line , which is usually used by investors , we established three strategy models . computer program simulating results have shown that the three constructed strategy action would provide investors " decision - making with assistance information , and among those , the third strategy action are the optimum strategy
  • ( 4 ) when we considered how to provide the practical investors for directions with using the testing result of the " day - of - week effect " , we connected the index of moving average line . we summarized the characteristic and application of moving average line in the stock market . and this dissertation puts forward a new ameliorated model with moving average line connecting the practice of stock market
    ( 4 )在结合移动平均线考虑“周内效应”检验结果对实际投资者提供指导时,研究了移动平均线这一技术指标及其在股市中的应用问题,并结合实际提出了新的移动平均线投资决策改进模型,经过计算机模拟,结果表明,利用该模型可以有效的降低风险,增加收益。
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